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Advanced Grammar (N1) > Noun Suffixes ①

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1. At the time A; While A; At the stage/point A, B happens (B is important change/first time)
He became company present when he was twenty.
1. One of A (used for showing one example out of a set/group)
ここ  ある    なり      がって    
Please eat one of the things here.
1. Although A is B (strong emphasis)
Although Dad has a scary appearance, he is an interesting person.
1. Less than A; under/below A (amount)
この ジェットコースター            
This roller coaster cannot be ridden by people under the age of 3.
1. Very A
It's the highest honor to have the company president come.
1. A or B (small amount)
Used to give inexact, small amounts
あの                いつも    
That kid is not selfish once or twice, but all the time.
1. As far as A; (up) until A
Marks the end or limit of something
I did my best, but I (only) made it to the top 4 in the city.
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