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JLPT N5 / Beginner > Basic Particles ③
Includes: て、~で, , , , ,
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1. A and B
The て/で can be used to link several adjectives/nouns describing the same noun.
あたり             なりました  
In the evening, the area became cold and dark.
1. Nothing/no one/nobody (A)
A is the question term such as nothing, no one, nowhere, etc (だれ+も = no one, なに+も = nothing). This is followed by a negative statement B that links to A
I (they) returned safely without incident.
1. A, but/however B
Used to show a contradiction or opposite.
It is sunny now, but it seems like it will be rainy tomorrow.
1. Shows the material A that something is made of/composed of
I made coffee with mountain spring water.
1. A and B (and C,etc..)
Gives a complete list. The final と may be omitted.
この     こっち      どちらも        
I want to eat both this bread and this cake.
1. Shows the target/recipient A of the action
He made breakfast for her.
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