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Advanced Grammar (N1) > Jumble Question Pack ③

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ともなく, ともなしに
1. To state that person/place/time A tied to an action is not known
Used to state an action without specifying who did it, when it was, where it occurred, etc.
I can hear music from somewhere.
1. Despite an extreme situation A
Followed by change/result that has not happened despite A occurring. Words like まだ often follow.
Even at the end of the fiscal year in March, it looks unlikely that (e.g. work) will be finished.
1. (Just) in front of A; (just) before A
There's a cat right in front of the entrance.
1. Will A
Very strong, shows intention to do A regardless of the difficulty or opposition
     ために あくまで    
I'll fight until the end for your rights.
1. Completely A, entirely A
Suggests that it could not possibly be any more A
1. Do A (in advance of something else)
Done as preparations or planning for a future event/activity.
I'm thinking of making curry, so I cut up the vegetables in advance.
1. Shows an extreme situation A
Followed by a change/realization that (finally) occurs because of A. Words like やっと and ようやく often follow A.
    する      ようやく    しすぎ        
When I had a stress fracture, I finally understood that I was practicing too much.
1. A (to some extent); agree with A (to some extent)
A very indirect/soft way of saying 'A is true' (by using a double negative).
       できなく  ない  
I can understand his thinking to some extent.
1. Shows change/movement A is about to start/end
Used in referring to changes A that aren't based on will/decision of a person (movement of a train, change in seasons, etc.)
その     しよう  している  
The ship is about to set sail.
1. To strongly state A; strictly A
Often used with ideas, plans, theories, etc., when there is expected opposition/disagreement
Ultimately, it's my Dad's opinion, so...
1. Just as one thought, A
Typically used with an undesirable outcome.
As expected, Dad was sleeping while he watched TV.
ながらに, ながらの, ながらにして
1. Since A (point in time)
    くるみ        この             
Putting walnuts in the zoni is a custom in this town from a long time ago.
1. B is what counts/what is important/what matters (in/at A)
B is often words like おかね, けいけん, どりょく
Your academic background is what's important at this company.
1. A is not impossible; there is some small chance of A
Shows the small/low possibility of A
この                   なき  しも あらず   
There is a small chance in the rocket launch succeeding.
1. So as not to A
    こと  ない ように              
I set an alarm so as to not oversleep.
1. It's not hard to A
Often used when describing the reaction to something: it's not hard to imagine, it's not hard to be surprised at..
It's not hard to presume that he is in shock over losing his mother.
1. Try to A, Be about to A
This is an archaic form not typically used in modern Japanese
I understand what you were about to say.
1. (Someone) does something A (undesirable by the speaker)
Cannot be used for your own actions. Speaker shows scorn or dislike for A.
あいつ  また             
I can't believe that guy was loafing around at work again.
1. To continue (a state/situation) without doing A
A must be an action of volition
あの        まだ        いる  
That teacher is scary so I haven't yet taken their class.
1. During/while (the period of time) A
この   というもの             
For these three days, I've been busy and haven't rested.
1. A, as to why, B
B often followed by からだ
A:            B:         というのは     しばらく           
A: Can you come to tomorrow's meeting? B: I can't. As to why, I'm taking a bit of vacation/holiday from tomorrow on.
1. Shows a natural consequence/result A that cannot be helped/avoided
Heavy rain is forecast for tomorrow, so it can't be helped: the fireworks display must be cancelled.
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