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(old version) Pre-Intermediate Grammar (N4) > Grammar for Jumble Quizzes

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1. How to A; Way/style of A
The way to read a Japanese comic is from right to left.
1. A is easy to do
    いつでも      たべやすいです  
For Japanese people, it's always easier to use chopsticks when they eat.
1. A is hard/difficult to do
あなた       にくい  
Your question is hard to answer.
1. To finish A; A ends
I took a bath after I finished eating breakfast.
1. A is C-er than B; A is more C than B (comparison).
ピカチュー  あなた              
It seems like Pikachu is smarter than you.
1. A is not as C as B
あっち  ラーメン   この          
That ramen place is not as expensive as this place.
1. It is alright to A; the subject may A; it's alright if A (condition)
You don't have to worry so much.
1. To finish/complete A
Have you finished writing your composition?
1. A occurs (shows embarrassment / regret / disappointment over the action A)
After two days our food ran out.
1. To do A in advance; do A as preparation for something else
(used with transitive verbs)
I will write down your name and address.
1. Must do A; have to A
                  いけない  ・・・  
But I have an appointment with my client tomorrow.
1. It would be better to not A
She's angry right now, so it's better to not speak to her.
1. There are times when A (occurs/exists)
その      とても よい      する こと  ある  
Those two get along very well, but there are times when they have big fights.
1. The reason/explanation is A
The reason/explanation may not be in the same sentence, so it can also be seen as a way to emphasize the content. の is more common in written, while ん is common in spoken Japanese.
I've gotten (understand) your feelings, but I'm married.
1. Introduces a request, invitation, or asking for permission
The actual request may not be stated, and is implied by stating some problem or issue (with the request being to fix the problem). の is more common in written, while ん is common in spoken Japanese.
This vending machine isn't working.
1. A is spoken by/heard from someone/something else
Did you hear? (I heard) The Red Sox won yesterday!
1. A is a question within the sentence
この       いつ               
Let's try asking a friend when this party is.
1. Whether or not A
あの            どう          
Even if I look at that child's face, I don't know if the child is a boy or not.
1. Too much A; A is excessive
この カレー   すぎて        
This curry is too spicy; I can't eat it!
1. Go (somewhere) in order to A
      ほとんどない   よく               
There are hardly any stores in my town, so I often go to Tokyo to shop.
1. Come (here) in order to A
        くれた   ありがとう         
You came to help me? Thanks a lot!
1. Return (home) in order to A
There are a lot of college students who return home during winter holiday to see their families.
1. Make (somebody) A, this is coercive or forced onto the object of the sentence.
No, mom! I did it last week, so make (my) brother clean up this time.
1. Be able to A; can do A
あなた  おかげで         こと  できました  
Thanks to your help, I was able to finish early.
1. Can A; be possible to A (possibility of the subject to do A)
      という                のる こと  できる  
If you buy an all-you-can-ride ticket, it's possible to ride the train as many times as you like.
1. B is more C than A
この       その       かっこいい  
That motorbike is cooler than this bicycle.
1. Which is more C; A or B
これ  あれ     どちら         
Which is cheaper, this or that?
1. To get to A
Shows a change over time
The surgery is finished, so the pain will begin to disappear.
Conditional Form
1. If A
If foreigners want to drive in Japan, an international driver's license is needed.
1. Any A (anywhere, anybody, anytime, etc.)
いつでも それ  使   ください  
You may use it any time.
1. ござる is the polite form of ある.
    いくつ ございます   
How much baggage do you have?
1. でござる is the polite form of である.
This is the operator.
1. じゃ is a casual form of では
いや  それじゃ だめ       ように    ごらん  
No, that's not the right way. You have to turn it the other way round.
Humble verbs
1. Humble form of A
I borrowed my husband's credit card and bought a bag.
Humble verbs
1. Humble form of する verbs
As to the library I'll show you (there).
Respectful verbs
1. Respectful form of A
There are several words which do not use the above conjugations, but have special respectful forms. These are given below:
Regular Form Respectful Form
る/みる になる/ごらんになる
る/しる /ごぞんじ
く/いく いらっしゃる
る/くる いらっしゃる
る/いる いらっしゃる
くれる さる/くださる
う/いう おっしゃる
く/いく おいでになる
く/ゆく おいでになる
る/いる おいでになる
べる/たべる がる/めしあがる
む/のむ がる/めしあがる
る/くる おいでになる
する なさる
Alright, please eat!
1. To put away A
  をしまって おきなさい  
Put away your wallet.
1. To do A together/mutually
      しばらく        つめ     
Alan and I looked at one another for a while.
1. Used with passive verbs to identify who/what is doing the action
さきこ よく         しかられていた  
Sakiko was often called and scolded by the teacher.
1. Thank you for doing A
               くれて ありがとう  
Thank you for coming to my birthday party today.
1. Even [T], not even A
The negative form (not even) can be identified when the verb following the も is in the negative form.
Everyone was surprised because Takada is good at not just singing but drawing as well.
1. Only A; no more than A
Sorry, I only have a Japanese (-language) business card.
1. Because of A; Due to A
Sorry, the train was late because of the snow.
1. A, however/but B
     どうして    こと      
But, why would would you say such a thing so suddenly?
1. A does B
The passive form can be used as an honorific form, so A would be someone above the speaker (boss, customer, etc.)
He drove.
1. Don't A; Don't be a(n) A
1. Shows state A
She is a systems engineer in Tokyo.
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